OnlineBookClub Review
I Wasn’t Kidding, Now I Am by Rory J Hill is full of enjoyable activities that anybody can utilize to interact with kids. Through Hill’s activities, adults can educate and engage with children while also learning more about them.
I enjoyed how the author made children the focal point of every activity. I could see he had taken the effort to learn how to communicate with children and provide useful guidance. I especially liked the ‘My Own Week’ activity, and I will incorporate it as a ritual. I also loved how the author came up with fun ways to teach children about responsibility, i.e., to do their chores and homework, spend wisely, and so much more. This book is inclusive and tackles all topics one might want to learn about when interacting with their children, including a single parent who wants to introduce her partner to the kids and how to do so in a manner that is kid-friendly so that the partner and child also have a connection. I also liked the activities covering pets for when children want to get pets and what parents can do to prepare them for the responsibilities of having pets and see if they are ready or not.
The only negative aspect I found with the book was the number of grammatical errors. I discovered a few errors and believe the book will benefit from another round of editing. I will drop a star from my rating because I found at least ten grammatical errors. I rate the book four out of five stars.
Overall, I thought the book was interesting and educational about how we might relate to children. I Wasn’t Kidding, Now I Am will be very valuable for parents who desire to connect and bond with their children. It offers a variety of engaging exercises to help parents and other caregivers of young children pleasantly engage their children.